Jason Peter Todd is a member of the bat family who like most others have gone under multiple aliases. He was the second Robin and later became The Red Hood! He has a rocky relationship with the rest of the family but in recent comics he seems to be adjusting.
As Robin Jason had a tendency to be rash
and violent especially with criminals who targeted women/children. There was an incident in the comics where a criminal died under Jason's watch and it's never been revealed whether he died on accident or due to Jason but either way this incident caused Batman to put Jason's robin activities on hold. During this Jason found out that his birth mother was alive and went to investigate only to be led into a trap and killed by the joker.
Jason would only remain dead for about 6 months before Superboy Prime punched reality itself causing the timeline to stutter and Jason to be restored (at least partially) to life. He managed to break out of his coffin but soon after collapsed from exhaustion and was found and brought to a hospital where he was in a coma for a year and then once he woke up from his coma he was suffering from amnesia. At some point he was found by Talia Al Ghul who tried to bring him back to full health but his mental conditon was not improving. Talia's father considered Jason a lost cause and ordered her to eliminate him but she threw him into the Lazarus Pit as a last ditch effort to heal him. While this did bring his memories back it also unfortunately had the negative effect of altering his personality to be "darker".
Following these events Jason was convinced by Talia that he had to track down his "replacement" and confront Batman.

Base layout wip!


(I have a lot of fan merch I'll photograph and list here eventually as well)
